Wednesday 8 January 2014


A celebration of quiet achievement
Moral standards, life ethic combine
To make this man unique to some
To me, he's  just divine.

A life's ambition to be a good doctor
Taken seriously but with a light touch
To work long and tirelessly into the night
To listen to and care for so much.

Thinking, searching for a solution
But sometimes this cannot be found
And when bad news must be shared
By this man, compassion abounds

His hobby and passion is football
With Politics and history he shows flair
A memory to be proud of
so quiz him if you dare!

Gardening doesn't light his fire
Since years ago whilst digging
Much Perspiration on his face
His spectacles went missing!!

Becoming a grandfather mellowed
Those many years of stricter self
Although playing football with grandson
Could be deleterious to his health!

Now as we grow older together,
our love does now impart
The trust, respect and tolerance
which has blossomed in our hearts.