Friday, 6 June 2014

Nature's Perfume

Through an open window 
Gentle whispers of a morning 
Caress my face with gossamer trails
Punctuated with birdsong

White lilac blooms dance to the tune
Of a tiny seedling once gifted by friends
nurtured and loved to voluptuous form
Now proudly presents her beauty to all.

And so, her gentle perfume
Carried on the breeze, just a hint
To awaken the sense as it passes
Through an  open window.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

What is this love?

A moment of such closeness and deep love
That requires no words or gestures,
just a glance when eyes meet
in that instant of quiet connection.

What beauty there is in a gentle smile 
With open arms yearning
And the heart dances with joy in a flutter of anticipation 
so exciting that you feel it will burst!

What is this love that we feel for  another
and instantly receive that magical response?
Such joy, desirous moment of love,
Yet, tender affection, possesses us totally.